
Mark Horowitz is a former editor at Wired, New York magazine, and the New York Times Magazine. He has written about politics and culture for the New Yorker, the New York Times, New York, Men’s Journal and Wired. During the 90’s, he worked in Los Angeles as a political columnist for Buzz magazine, and then as an editor at Los Angeles magazine. He also wrote for the Los Angeles Times. He lives in Brooklyn with his family and can be contacted by email: themarkhorowitz at gmail dot com.

One comment

  1. Anna Ruiz

    So, AIPAC might reorganize around the novel idea of creating a separate Palestinian State? Let’s get real. Which walled bantustans, how many miles apart would create this new Palestinian State?

    When will the occupation cease? Before or after the creation of a Palestinian State? How will Gaza be incorporated into this blessed new Palestinian State? How will it continue to exist with limited access to the Sea, with Jewish oversight as to what enters and exits the city, including food? How will Gazan families reconnect with their West Bank family and friends with Israel between it and the newly established Palestine?

    Will Palestine have gas & oil rights in waters found off Gaza’s borders?

    Will Palestinians have the right of return as victims of an occupation by a foreign government?

    So many questions.

    Yes, indeed, AIPAC needs to reinvent itself. Not because of anti-Semitism, not because of anti-Zionism, but because the truth demands it, not as Jews on any side of AIPAC seek to speak of it, much less oblige AIPAC to act in their interests. But because people world-wide are knowledgeable of the dirty secret that is Israel’s: children behind bars, IDF’s random sniper shootings behind Gazan fences, systematic and timed Gazan bombings, apartheid in Israel for the 2nd class citizens that are of Palestinian blood, Christian non-Jews, African Jews and Bedouin.

    Yes, Mr. Horowitz, your NYT article “The Case For AIPAC” is, as usual, omitting the reality that needs to be questioned and answered, beyond the Jewish concern in America, or Israel.

    The very heart and soul of Israel is at stake as is the blood of every Palestinian and Jew who has been murdered over these 7 decades because Israel doesn’t want a Palestinian State, not really.


    Anna Ruiz


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